Cancelation Policy
- For cancellations announced in excess of 60 days prior to charter start date* stated above, upto 25%
of the total charter price is due, withheld by the company from the client’s paid funds.The remaining
funds are returned by the company to the charterer by bank transfer, within 10calendar days.
- For cancellations announced 31 to 60 days prior to charter start date stated above,50% of thetotal
charter price is due, details applicable as above.
- For cancellations announced 1 to 30 days prior to charter start date stated above, 100% of thetotal
charter price is due.
*The date of the receipt of the cancellation notice in writing shall be considered the basis for the
settlement of the stated cancellation charges.
Perceived as cancellations, are also the following events, which incur an 100% due penalty on behalf
of the company towards the client. This fee specifically includes the charter rate, mandatory/optional
extras and any crew fees applicable (if booked by the client). In the casesbelow, the charterer
abolishes any right for a refund:
- A non-show up event, in which charterers do not present themselves for the check-in within the
calendar day and time specified in the contract, unless of course previously agreed with the company
or at least adequately and timely communicated to the company, in written form.
- An early abandon case, in which the charterer vacates the vessel prior to the contracted checkout
date and time.
Exclusief SamBoat servicekosten. De terugbetaling van deze vergoedingen hangt af van de reden en is ter beoordeling van het platform.
220V stopcontact
USB aansluiting
eind schoonmaak
350 €
/ verhuur
Supplément skipper
190 €
/ dag
Cigar Humidifier & 6 premius cigars
200 €
/ verhuur
150 €
/ week
Portable VHF radio
30 €
/ week
180 €
/ week
hostess (eigen hut+eten)
170 €
/ dag
Early check-in
250 €
/ verhuur
Snorkeling per pax
20 €
/ verhuur
Unlimited Wifi Internet
70 €
/ week
Pre-order provision service
80 €
/ verhuur
Hummock & puff cushion sunbed
40 €
/ week
Sea Scooter
200 €
/ week
Base change (Corfu)
800 €
/ verhuur
Base change (Cephalonia)
600 €
/ verhuur
New Option Type
Deel de aankondiging Georgia, A/C, Gen, Watermaker
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321 €
/ dag
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